Sunday, October 16, 2011

UnHappy Birthday

Things are moving along with Jeremy, and he finally eased up on his “aggressiveness.” It took him a few weeks, but he realized that “no means no” and pushing someone to say “ok” doesn’t get anyone anywhere. His birthday was yesterday, and since we have only been seeing each other for a month, I had to do a little bit of research to find out what would be appropriate to do for/get him. I surveyed friends, my teaching teammates, and guy friends and cousins. Everyone was in agreement that taking him out to dinner was absolutely fine. It would be harmful to do too much, and it could be harmful to do too little so dinner was the medium. Also, as an added bonus to Jeremy because I'm so sweet and caring, knowing he’s a beer “enthusiast,” we can call it, I tracked down his favorite beer that is super hard to find.

I went to his house yesterday with his beer surprise cutely wrapped, and the intention to take him out to dinner. I walked in the door to find him all grunged out. The boy hadn’t  showered, and it was 4 pm. I don’t even think I mind the unshoweredness so much, but he just looked gross. It’s definitely possible to pull off looking good without showering, but he needs quite a few lessons in how to do it. Apparently, he was hungover from Friday night festivities that I couldn’t attend (yay!) I handed him the beer and said, “Well, I guess this is the last thing you want to see right now. Happy birthday!” I got a small “thank you” and braced myself for a kiss. His friends were more impressed with my thoughtfulness which made me feel better. He then decided that we should do his birthday dinner another night. Oh joy, so now I came over to sit here again?! I know I’m a bit tough on guys and have many complaints, and I guess if I can rip on him for so much then maybe I shouldn’t be with him. I’ve always failed with guys, and maybe that is my fault because I am so hard on them. Or maybe it’s because they all suck. Haaa, just kidding, not all of them. I do believe there are good ones out there, and that there is someone who is a good fit for me. I need more time with Jeremy to find out what our future really holds. For the time being, I can fake it ‘til I make it with him, right?

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