Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Caught One!

Amidst the many emails and winks, there were a handful of guys that I actually started corresponding with. “Corresponding” sounds like I’m writing to prisoners, but I’m not. At least I hope I’m not. It’s kind of amazing how important elementary school grammar and high school English papers really come in handy later in life. I’m a grammar snob. No, I don’t remember or care about the antecedents and dissecting sentences, but I do know the difference (and so do my third graders) between “there” and “their,” “to” and “too,” “your” and “you’re” and that a period needs to be placed after a complete thought. I haven’t yet checked out many girls’ profiles for comparison, but for the guys, stop telling me you don’t know what to write! Get over it! You are on an online dating website, sell yourself, man! And for the sake of your manliness, stop using “lol,” there was nothing in your profile that you should be laughing out loud about. I’m sure as I continue analyzing more profiles, critiques will keep popping up.

There was at least one profile I didn’t have any issues with. We’ll just call him J for now. HIS profile was one that actually did make me “lol,” and that was basically all I needed. I had no clue what I was doing with this first batch. I tried responding to all of the emails, but it got to be too much so I finally started ignoring the ones I wasn’t interested in. Hey, guys have done this to me, too, it’s no biggie. So J was fun. His emails were easy, not boring, and we talked on the phone soon after emailing started. His humor carried over from written to spoken language and I felt at ease meeting him. Knowing I’m a baseball fan, he got us tickets to the Nationals game. J will be my first match date, and I'm not sure I will find love with him, but maybe I will find like.

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